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The American Muslim & Multifaith Empowerment Council (AMMWEC), Combat Antisemitism Movement (CAM), and the Mukhayriq Initiative hosted faith leaders from all backgrounds to our annual iftar.
Iftar is the meal Muslims around the world have to break their fast during Ramadan. Ramadan is a time of peace a reflection, a time to open our hearts to people from different faiths. Watch our Muslim-Jewish Interfaith Iftar here to hear from faith leaders from different backgrounds as well as honorable members of Congress.
AMMWEC hosted a historic first-ever women-led International Religious Freedom (IRF) Roundtable in Karachi, Pakistan. “The IRF Roundtable is a convenor of NGOs and individuals from any and no faith that work for freedom of religion or belief. [They] launch multi-faith initiatives and letters that any participant group proposes. [They] meet regularly both exclusively as NGOs and together with government representatives.”
Women minorities are disproportionately affected because of their gender and status as a minority. Therefore, this event was historic because it was the first-ever women-led religious freedom roundtable in Pakistan. AMMWEC fostered a safe and open environment where everyone, regardless of their faith, could openly speak up, share their stories, and advocate for change